# Aerial affinity
Aerial Affinity is a boots enchantment that increases mining rate when not on the ground.
# Animal armor enchanting
Horse and wolf armor can be enchanted.
The enchantment tags on_horse_armor
and on_wolf_armor
can be used to configure valid enchantments.
# Animal armor grinding
Animal armor returns a single ingot, leather, scute or diamond when used on the grindstone.
# Animal damage immunity
Tamed animals do not take direct damage from players.
# Animal reviving
A tamed animal with a name drops its name tag on death.
Right-click (use) the name tag while holding a Totem of Undying to revive the animal and consume the totem.
# Anvils last longer
Anvils are less likely to take damage when used. By default anvils are 50% stronger.
# Arcane purpur
Arcane Purpur is a decorative block made from Purpur and Endermite Powder.
Chiseled Arcane Purpur allows teleportation when a chorus fruit is eaten within range of the block.
# Atlases
Storage for maps that automatically updates the displayed map as you explore.
# Bat buckets
Right-click a bat with a bucket to capture it. Right-click again to release it and locate entities around you.
# Beacons heal mobs
Passive and friendly mobs will heal themselves within range of a beacon with the regeneration effect.
# Beekeepers
Beekeepers are villagers that trade beekeeping items. Their job site is the beehive.
# Campfires heal players
Standing within range and sight of a lit campfire provides a small regeneration boost.
It does not work if there are enemies nearby.
# Casks
Casks are used to hold potions. Use a potion bottle on a cask to add the bottle's contents to the cask.
Use an empty bottle to retrieve one potion bottle back from the cask.
Potion effects are combined inside the cask and the contents are not lost when the cask is broken.
# Chairs
Right-click (with empty hand) on any stairs block to sit down.
# Collection
Tools with the Collection enchantment automatically pick up drops.
# Colored sea lanterns
Coral can be combined with sea lanterns to make colored variants.
# Compasses show position
Shows cardinal directions, XYZ coordinates and current biome when holding a compass.
# Cooking pots
Cooking pots allow any food item to be added. Once the combined nourishment total has reached maximum, use wooden bowls to take mixed stew from the pot.
All negative and positive effects will be removed from the food added to the pot.
# Copper pistons
Copper Pistons do not have quasi-connectivity.
# Coral squids
Coral Squids spawn near coral in warm oceans.
# Crafting from inventory
Allows crafting if the player has a crafting table in their inventory.
# Crop feather falling
Prevents crop trampling when wearing boots enchanted with Feather Falling.
# Crop replanting
Right-click with a hoe to quickly harvest and replant a fully-grown crop.
# Deepslate dungeons
Dungeons in the deepslate layer will be constructed of deepslate bricks and cobbled deepslate.
# Discs stop background music
Playing a music disc in a jukebox prevents background music from playing at the same time.
# Doors open together
Automatically opens double doors.
# Echolocation
A status effect that causes all living entities around the player to glow.
The only way to obtain this effect in survival mode is by using a Bat bucket.
# Endermite powder
Endermites drop endermite powder that can be used to locate an End City.
# Glint color templates
Smithing template that changes the glint color of any enchanted item.
# Glint coloring
Customizable item enchantment colors. This feature is a helper for other Charm features and mods.
If disabled then other features and mods that rely on it will not function properly.
# Grindstone disenchanting
Extract enchantments from any enchanted item onto an empty book using the grindstone.
# Item frame hiding
Add amethyst shards to item frames to hide them.
# Item hover sorting
Scroll the mouse while hovering over a bundle or shulker box to cycle the order of its contents.
# Item repairing
More ways to repair items using different materials.
- Use prismarine shards to repair trident damage.
- Leather can be used to repair elytra when insomnia is disabled.
- Use netherite scrap to repair netherite item damage.
# Item restocking
Refills hotbar from your inventory.
# Item stacking
Allows some unstackable items to stack.
- Enchanted books, 16 by default
- Potions, 16 by default
- Splash potions, 1 by default
- Lingering potions, 1 by default
- Stew (and soup), 64 by default
- Suspicious stew, 1 by default
# Item tidying
Button to automatically tidy items in inventories.
# Kilns
A functional block that speeds up cooking of clay, glass, bricks and terracotta.
# Lumberjacks
Lumberjacks are villagers that trade wooden items. Their job site is the woodcutter.
# Mineshaft improvements
Adds decoration and more ores to mineshafts.
# Mob drops
Some mobs have a chance to drop additional items either by chance or when killed.
- Cave spiders have a chance to drop cobwebs when killed.
- Chickens occasionally shed a feather.
- Goats have a chance to drop mutton when killed.
- Husks have a chance to drop sand when killed.
- Witches have a chance to drop a Potion of Luck when killed.
# Mob textures
Mobs may spawn with different textures. The mobs that can be configured are cows, chickens, dolphins, pigs, sheep, snow golems (face texture), squids, turtles, wandering traders.
# Mooblooms
Mooblooms are cow-like mobs that come in a variety of flower types.
They spawn flowers where they walk and can be milked for suspicious stew.
# Nether portal blocks
Adds more blocks that can be used to build nether portals. By default this adds Crying Obsidian.
The item tag nether_portal_blocks
can be used to configure the blocks that can be used to build portals.
# Note block lower pitch
Use a note block while sneaking to lower its pitch by one semitone.
# Noteblocks
Adds more note block sounds.
- Place a block of amethyst under a note block to play its placement sound.
# Parrots stay on shoulder
Parrots stay on player's shoulder when jumping and falling. Crouch to make them dismount.
# Path converting
Use a shovel or hoe to convert dirt and path blocks.
# Piglin pointing
Piglins turn and point in the rough direction of a nether fortress or bastion remnant.
By default, give them a chiseled nether brick block for a fortress and a gilded blackstone block for a bastion.
The item tags piglin_barters_for_bastions
and piglin_barters_for_fortresses
can be used to configure the blocks.
# Pigs find mushrooms
Pigs have a chance to find mushrooms from certain blocks. By default mushrooms are unearthed from mycelium and podzol blocks.
The item tag pigs_find_mushrooms
can be used to configure the blocks in which mushrooms can be unearthed by a pig.
# Player pressure plates
Player-only pressure plates crafted using smooth basalt.
# Potion of radiance
Potion of Radiance gives the glowing effect. It is brewed using a torchflower.
# Raid horns
Raid horns are sometimes dropped from raid leaders and can be used to call off raids or summon pillagers.
# Recipe improvements
Adds more recipes and recipe tweaks.
Disabling this feature will disable all related recipe features.
- Ore block from raw ore block
- Gilded Blackstone
- Cyan Dye from warped roots
- Green Dye from yellow and blue
- Snowballs from snow blocks
- Quartz from quartz blocks
- Clay balls from clay blocks
- Simpler Soul Torch
This feature also adds the following child features:
- Adds a leather-based recipe for the vanilla bundle.
- Unlocks all vanilla recipes when the player joins the game (disabled by default).
- Adds convenient shapeless recipe versions of common shaped vanilla recipes.
# Redstone sand
A block that acts like sand but is powered like a block of redstone.
# Repair cost unlimited
Allows anvil repair of items with repair cost 39 or more.
# Repair cost visible
An item's repair cost is shown in its tooltip when viewing on the anvil.
# Respawn anchors work everywhere
The repsawn anchor can be used in any dimension.
This feature changes core gameplay so is disabled by default.
# Shulker box transferring
Drag and drop items into a shulkerbox from within your inventory.
# Silence
Disables some nag messages and telemetry.
Some data removal may be considered controversial so this feature is disabled by default.
- Disable chat message verification dialog
- Disable experimental screen dialog
- Disable telemetry
- Downgrade data fixer registered error
- Disable development mode connections
# Smooth glowstone
Smooth glowstone.
# Spawners drop items
Monster spawners drop mob-related items when broken. This allows items such as gunpowder, string
and rotten flesh to be gathered in larger quantities when the game difficulty is set to peaceful.
# Spyglass scope hiding
Removes the border when zooming in with the spyglass.
# Storage blocks
Adds more item blocks. Disabling this feature will disable all related storage block features.
- Combine ender pearls to make an ender pearl block. Ender pearl blocks convert silverfish into endermites.
- Combine gunpowder to make a gunpowder block. Gunpowder blocks are affected by gravity and dissolve in lava.
- Combine sugar to make a sugar block. Sugar blocks are affected by gravity and dissolve in water.
# Suspicious block creating
Use a piston to push an item into sand or gravel, making it suspicious.
# Suspicious effect improvements
Adds more functionality to suspicious effects, flowers and stews.
- Suspicious stews can be crafted from pitcher plants and sunflowers.
- Suspicious effects from stews and flowers last longer.
# Tooltip improvements
Adds hover tooltips for some items that have content.
# Torchflowers emit light
Torchflowers emit ambient light.
# Totem of preserving
Preserves your items on death. You must be holding a totem of preserving to preserve your items.
Use (right-click) the totem to retrieve your items. A single totem can only be used a certain number of times, but it can be repaired using echo shards.
This feature has a configuration called Grave mode whereby a totem of preserving will always be created when you die.
# Totems work from inventory
A totem will work from anywhere in the player's inventory as well as held in the main or offhand.
This includes the Totem of Preserving, if enabled.
# Trade improvements
Adds more villager trades.
- librarians will buy any enchanted book in return for emeralds.
- armorers, weaponsmiths and toolsmiths will buy chipped or damaged anvils along with iron ingots in return for repaired anvils.
- leatherworkers will sell leather in return for rotten flesh.
- butchers will sell beef in return for rotten flesh.
- leatherworkers will sell bundles in return for emeralds.
- clerics will sell phantom membrane in return for emeralds.
- wandering traders have a chance to sell various items from Charm mods.
# Villager attracting
Attract villagers by holding a desired item. By default this is an emerald block.
The item tag villager_loved
can be used to configure the items that attract a villager.
# Waypoints
Lodestones broadcast a message to a nearby player when a banner is placed on top.
The title and color of the banner will be used in the message.
# Wood
Adds new wood types and variants. Disabling this feature will disable all related wood features.
- Azalea wood is obtainable from naturally occurring azalea trees or by growing azalea saplings.
- Ebony is a dark wood obtainable from ebony trees that grow in savanna biomes.
- Barrels, bookcases, chests and ladders in all vanilla wood types.
# Woodcutters
A functional block that adds more efficient recipes for crafting wooden stairs and slabs.