# Biome ambience
Plays ambient background sound according to the biome and time of day.
The ambient sounds can be controlled via the following settings:
- Above ground for ambience silencing is the number of blocks above the ground that biome ambience will be silenced.
- Biome sound blending is the number of blocks to check for neighbouring biomes.
- Volume scaling affects the volume of all biome ambient sounds.
- Valid dimensions is a list of dimensions in which biome ambience will be played. By default this is the overworld and The End.
# World ambience
Plays ambient sound according to features of the world around the player.
The ambient sounds can be controlled via the following settings:
- Volume scaling affects the volume of all situational ambient sounds.
- Above ground for ambience silencing is the number of blocks above the ground that biome ambience will be silenced.
- Cave drone cutoff is the height at which cave drones will be silenced.
- Cave light level is the light level at which cave ambience will be dampened.
- Valid cave ambience dimensions is a list of dimensions in which cave drones will be played. By default this is the overworld.
The world ambience contains:
- sounds while anywhere in the End.
- sounds in cold and/or barren overworld environments.
- drone sound when in a cave below the cave drone cutoff.
- more intense cave sounds when below Y 0 and light level is lower than the cave light level.
- ambient sounds when the player is underground and near deepslate blocks.
- sounds in dry and/or hot overworld environments.
- sounds from a nearby amethyst geode.
- sounds when the player is underground and near gravel blocks.
- sounds when high up in the overworld.
- sounds while inside a woodland mansion.
- sounds from a nearby mineshaft.
- sounds in plains environments at night.
- sounds when in a cold biome during a thunderstorm.
- water sounds from a nearby water source when underground.
- sounds when a player is inside a village.