Strange Features

# Runestones

Runestones are blocks that teleport players to interesting structures and biomes.

Each runestone will show what item is needed as a sacrifice when the player looks at the block. Drop the item near the runestone to activate it. Once the runestone is activated, throw an enderpearl at it to teleport.

In survival mode, runestones are found on the top of Stone circle pillars.

# Stone circles

Adds small pillars of stone in all three dimensions. Stone circles tend to be found in reasonably flat, tree-less terrain in the overworld. In the Nether they can be found at any height or partly submerged in a lava lake. In the End, obsidian stone circles appear on the outer islands.

Runestones can be found on top of the stone pillars.

# Travel journals

Travel journals are craftable items to store photos and descriptions of interesting places in the world. To craft one, use a book and a compass in a shapeless recipe.

Each journal contains bookmarked locations. Locations can be saved to pages and added to another journal, or given to other players to add to their journal.

Press the bookmark key (defaults to B) with a journal in your inventory to add a new bookmark.